Metal Pointer
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  • Armadillidium nasatum

    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Class: Malacostraca
    Superorder: Peracarida
    Order: Isopoda
    Suborder: Oniscidea
    Family: Armadillidiidae
    Genus: Armadillidium
    Species: A. nasatum

    A. nasatum flava
    A. nasatum mehelyi
    A. nasatum nasatum
    A. nasatum nigrescens
    A. nasatum saidovni

    Chances are that you've seen this kind of pod outside since they're so common (and synanthropic). They're able to conglobate and come in a range of colors from greys to dark browns and everything in between. They're originally from the UK, but have spread to North America under its leaves, rocks, logs, pots, etc. The 'nasatum' part of their name comes from a protrustion on their face that looks like a little nose. This and their and distinct stripes running vertically down their backs help with identification because color probably won't. They're about 1.5 cm long and so common that even their 'fancier' morphs like Peach are inexpensive.

    Nose, from This aquarimax video

    My experience

    I like taking pics of them in my yard, that's it. Would prob be easy to capture and keep though.

    Popular morphs

    Wild, pic from the British Myriapod and Isopod Group.
    Peach, pic from rubberduckyisopods
    Pearl, pic from IsopodObsession on ebay
    Whiteout, pic from smugbug