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  • Recent developments

    Hoffmanseggi colony is finally stable! Lots of molting, possible breeding, and I have at least one confirmed male who is Big and Huge. More dairy cow reproduction but things have been slowing down in the oreo crumble tub. Tried to add in some A. vulgare but I'm not sure how that's going.

    Goals and dream pods

    get my titans to reproduce
    improve macrophotography
    troglodillo sp. 'soil'

    Cubaris sp.


    Photo gallery

    ★ for the ones I have as pets

    Armadillidium nasatum

    Armadillidium vulgare

    Cylisticus convexus

    Miktoniscus medcofi

    ★Porcellio laevis

    ★Porcellio hoffmannseggii

    ★Porcellionides pruinosus

    Trachelipus rathkii

    ★Trichorhina tomentosa

    Why isopods??

    What's not to like? Simple pet care plus the fun of collecting pokemon irl! They're very Shaped, completely harmless AND so overlooked that there's plenty of new stuff to learn about them. I got totally invested after waking up one day to see one of my dwarf whites freshly molted and remember showing my geology lab TA (who also thought it was really cool). The community is also super welcoming!

    Books: Isopod Zoology and Isopods in Captivity (both by Orin McMonigle), Pet Isopods: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping and Caring for Your Tiny Crustacean Friends (Dr. Gerard Benjamin Phillips),

    Small info pages dedicated to each species shown to the left

    A. nasatum
    A. vulgare
    C. convexus
    M. medcofi
    P. hoffmannseggii
    P. laevis
    P. pruinosus
    T. rathkii
    T. Tomentosa